How can the Engineers Lead for Development Challenges in Nepal?

 In technological civilization, knowledge is power and a primary economic resource. But it is encouraging to know that knowledge does not diminish or deplete with use. Rather, the more widely it is disseminated the more it grows. Engineering is such a prestigious discipline, where one can use its knowledge not only for self-betterment; it is a powerful weapon to change Human civilization. Engineers are those who translate our vision for the future into reality. We, Engineers in Nepal need to be proud of our knowledge, experience, and attitudinal aspects; because we can lead the National aspiration to overcome widespread poverty due to lack of basic infrastructure and poor project leadership; and priming move towards a developed Nation by next decade.
Nevertheless, there are lots of challenges in Nepal to lead the development momentum. Particularly, our country is extremely messed with Political instability, Corruption, Bureaucratic politicization, the willingness of the General public to accept easily, and lack of a strong foundation of Knowledge base. Thus, we are suffering from acute shortage of right persons at right place, movement of highly skilled people to the developed countries causing strong knowledge drain and well protection of Professionals practicing with genuine causes. Professional institutions like Nepal Engineering Council /Nepal Engineers Association need to act a very strong role in this juncture; such that we Engineers can lead the development challenges of our country in the future.
I have illustrated a few areas, we Engineers as professionals, Professional institutions like Nepal Engineering Council /Nepal Engineers Association can assist our country to Lead for the Development Challenges in the future decade, which are depicted as below:
1.      Adoption of Development and Solutions Mindset
As engineers, we sometimes focus only on technical lenses, whether the Engineering theory is applied in the particular solution. For example, the buildings designed for rural reconstruction after massive earthquakes in Nepal may be technically earthquake resilient but from the perspective of rural livelihood, they may not actually meet the social needs. So, we should be focused on developing the community or nation as a whole, instead of providing the technical answers to the particular development agenda.
We, Engineers, have got great opportunity to learn and understand the problems from different angles by referring to many similar cases, both Nationally and Internationally; Hence we need to focus our practices towards solving them, instead of creating the problems in the particular solution.
2.     Adoption of Empathic Decision making
From my understanding of current technical practices in Nepal, sometimes I feel if we Engineers are providing our technical opinions from our own perspectives? The world is moving towards Consumer-focused strategies; hence any development decisions need to be catered for as per the requirement of the intended communities or people who are the real stakeholders. The design, procurement, and construction shall be decided from their angle but not only from the perspective of Designer or Consulting Engineers.
3.     Building trustworthy Networking
Networking with like-minded people, the organization is common practice. But it does not suffice to the development leaders. It makes sense when we have networking skills with different types of opinions and professionals. Furthermore, to the extent we socialize with the people and understand their need for development, our designs can cater to the exact requirements from the ground. Sometimes, it is fun to Network with people from the past or people who are going to be friends in the future. Such networking shall be instead of greedy motive, but to develop healthy and trustworthy relationships to know the problems associated with them or to be acquainted with the easy solutions they are practicing.
4.     Adoption of Operation Mindset
Engineers need to cultivate empathy for end users and develop the strategies that make all of us easy for adopting new processes and tools. They shall be extended to the scale, to reach the maximum number of people. The Engineers and their society shall always focus on eliminating bottlenecks and ensure some knowledge backup is always there in case of deficiency.
The need for research, development, training and their follow-ups in every pertinent technical and development aspect is a must for the effective acceleration of development. Professional societies like NEC/NEA shall be the cornerstones for such initiative in different forms
5.      Positive Attitude
From conscious or subconscious mind, the Engineers should feel about the target group; which is no other than their Society or Nation. There should always be positive energy with future leaders to curb negative attitudes. We, Engineers, need to have a passion for technology as a source of positive motivation. We live in an insanely exciting time for technology. The tools, patterns, and practices available today enable us to do incredible things that we couldn’t have done just a few years ago. As engineers, our passion for technology is probably the force that has propelled us forward in our careers. If we can tap into that energy and adopt the leadership principles discussed here, who knows what amazing things we are capable of in the future?
6.     Sharpening our saws
As the world is galloping at a higher pace than us, skills, Knowledge, Attitudes, job culture, technology, and research need to be updated and upgraded as per the international need. We, Engineers, need to be dedicated properly to grasp any changes in technological practices worldwide through training, seminars, webs, and other applicable medium available at an affordable cost.
At Last, I would like to stress that we Engineers are not only the technical persons to carry daily calculations and design. The greater picture of managing this nation with a holistic mindset is paramount for this profession. Hence, we cannot leave this nation from the transition of Political transformation to Development transformation. We need to adopt the latest leadership knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards the National Development mission, with a positive vibe. I wish professional societies hold great responsibility in Coordinating, Leading, Guiding, and Protecting Engineers Professionalism; while our country is planning to gain momentum towards Development.

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